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Chart of the Day - Thursday, June 20th, 2019

June 20, 2019

Today's chart of the day was shared in a note from Bespoke titled: "Bullish Sentiment Very Low For a Market at New Highs". The chart shows the S&P 500 in red, with AAII bullish sentiment in blue. We like the chart because it illustrates how pessimistic investors are despite the fact that the S&P 500 is at record highs. In the note, Bespoke explains:

"The market may be reaching all-time highs today, but sentiment is hardly reflective of that. The AAII weekly sentiment survey continues to see modest improvements in bullish sentiment as it rose 2.7% this week to 29.51%, returning it to its normal range (less than 1 standard deviation from the historical average). But this improvement has not necessarily been at the same pace as the market's rally off of recent lows. Bullish sentiment is now around 10 percentage points off of where it stood the last time the S&P 500 was at these levels. 

Sentiment tends to chase price. If the S&P 500 continues to move higher, it could force pessimistic investors off the sidelines, and help propel the market higher.