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Chart of the Day - Monday, April 5th, 2021

April 5, 2021

Today’s Chart of the Day was shared by Alfonso Depablos (@AlfCharts) It's a daily candlestick chart of the Frontier Markets ETF, $FM, over the past eight months. Global equity markets can be classified into three groups;

1.) Developed Markets (US, Japan, Germany, France, etc.)
2.) Emerging Markets (China, India, Russia, Brazil, etc.)
3.) Frontier Markets (Kuwait, Vietnam, Nigeria, Kenya, etc.)

Frontier Markets are generally perceived as the riskiest and most aggressive of the three groups, simply because their economies are smaller and less developed. Alfonso points out that Frontier Markets are breaking out to new 52-week highs after a three-month pause. This is a healthy sign for Stocks as an entire asset class because it shows risk appetite and broad participation from equity markets around the globe.