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Daily Chart Report ? Monday, October 24th, 2022

October 24, 2022

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Today’s Summary
Monday, October 24th, 2022

Indices: Dow +1.34% | S&P 500 +1.19% | Nasdaq 100 +1.06% |   Russell 2000 +0.35%

Sectors:  9 of the 11 sectors closed higher. Materials led, gaining +3.46%. Communications lagged, but still gained +0.64%.

Commodities: Crude Oil futures fell -0.55% to $84.58 per barrel. Gold futures inched lower by -0.13% to  $1,654 per ounce.

Currencies: The US Dollar Index inched higher by +0.10%.

Crypto: Bitcoin fell -1.18% to $19,343. Ethereum fell -1.22% to $1,348.

Interest Rates: The US 10-year Treasury yield rose to a fresh decade high of 4.244%.

Here are the best charts, articles, and ideas being shared on the web today!

Chart of the Day

Today’s Chart of the Day was shared by Arun Chopra (@FusionptCapital). The chart shows the S&P 500 (top) and the 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF, $TLT. Bonds continue to be under pressure, with $TLT closing at a fresh decade low today. It’s in its worst drawdown since inception (-45%), and it’s fallen for nine consecutive weeks for the first time ever. On the other hand, the S&P 500 has firmed up recently, closing at a one-month high today. Stocks and Bonds have been trending lower together all year, but at this point, something’s gotta give. Given recent correlations, it seems unlikely this divergence can continue much longer. As Arun asks… which one is lying?

Quote of the Day

“Never bet on the end of the world,
It only happens once.”

– Art Cashin

Top Links

Bullish Divergences vs. Bear Markets – Means to a Trend
Austin Harrison points out that some of the most important sectors of the S&P 500 are showing bullish RSI divergences.

Still Open to the Idea of A Rally – Research by Potomac
Dan Russo examines the near-term outlook for each of the major asset classes.

Make Money or Gossip About Fed Policy? – All Star Charts
JC Parets shows that the Consumer Discretionary vs. Staples ratio is diverging from the S&P 500.

Setting the Record Straight: Best Six Months, Halloween Indicator, Sell in May – Almanac Trader
Jeff Hirsch points out that the best six months are around the corner (November-April).

Trendlines over Headlines with Special Guest, David Settle – The Chart Report
Catch up on the latest episode of Trendlines over Headlines! This week, David Settle of Market Scholars joins us to talk Stocks, Commodities, the US Dollar, and more!

Top Tweets

You’re all caught up now. Thanks for reading!