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Chart of the Day - Thursday, April 25, 2024

April 25, 2024

🏆 Today’s Chart of the Day was shared by Alfonso Depablos (@AlfCharts).

  • It's a weekly Relative Rotation Graph (RRG) comparing the three primary asset classes, Stocks, Bonds, and Commodities, benchmarked to a standard 60/40 portfolio ($AOR).
  • The RRG is divided into four quadrants: Leading, Weakening, Lagging, and Improving. Alfonso points out that Equities have lost momentum over the past two months, with $SPY, $QQQ, and $IWM entering the Weakening quadrant (lower right).
  • Bonds ($TLT, $HYG) haven't left the Lagging quadrant, while Commodities ($USO, $GLD, $SLV, $CPR) have entered the Leading quadrant in the upper right.

The takeaway: Commodities are gaining momentum while Equities have begun to stall. Investors with a traditional 60/40 portfolio are leaving alpha on the table without exposure to Commodities.

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