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Defensive Players Benched

January 17, 2025

For the market to experience a meaningful correction, we need to see clear signs of defensive rotation—and so far, that hasn’t happened.

In the bond market, U.S. Treasuries are viewed as the defensive play, especially compared to their High Yield counterparts. 

It’s the same concept in equities when you compare Consumer Staples to the broader S&P 500. If the environment favors risk-taking, both Treasuries and Staples should underperform.

Overlaying the Treasuries versus High-Yield ratio (IEI/HYG) with the Staple vs S&P 500 ratio (XLP/SPY), you’ll notice they move in the same direction.


Currently, both are trending lower and making new lows, signaling no defensive positioning from bond or equity investors.

As long as these lines keep trending down and to the right, there’s nothing to worry about for risk assets. But if they start to turn higher, that would be a key warning sign of trouble ahead, potentially...

All Star Charts Premium

Green Light From Credit Spreads

November 1, 2024

If you're living on this planet, credit is everything—it shapes economies and tells us whether we’re in a "risk-on" or "risk-off" environment. 

And there's no better indicator of investor sentiment than the bond market.

With over $140 trillion traded daily, bonds are the largest asset class in the world, spanning all around the globe, from retail investors to governments.

One way we use bonds for information is by analyzing credit spreads as a signal for stress in the market. 

Right now, credit spreads are not warning of elevated risk, they are doing just the opposite. Giving bulls the green light.

Credit spreads are tightening and hitting multi-year highs when comparing junk bonds to treasury bonds.


We’ve overlaid the HYG/IEI ratio with small caps to show how similar the two charts look.

Despite the new highs in HYG/IEI, the S...

All Star Charts Premium

A Warning From The Bond Market

October 23, 2024

Long bonds are sending a message loud and clear these days, and I’m all ears.

When the Fed started cutting rates last month, long-term bonds reversed course lower. They are making fresh 3-month lows this week.

This might seem surprising, but it's not as uncommon as you'd think.

We saw a similar situation in November 2018, when the Fed raised rates, but the bond market didn't buy it, with the TLT rallying for two years.

Now, the Fed is cutting rates, and long bonds are calling their bluff again. This time, by reversing trend lower.

You can see what I mean in the following chart:


If bond prices continue to decline, it likely signals an expectation of rising inflation or stronger economic growth. 

Personally, I’m betting on inflation increasing.

If this is the case, the Fed rate...

All Star Charts Premium

Buying Bonds in an Inflationary Environment

October 11, 2024

Whether markets are full of chop or trending higher, bonds offer a versatile haven for our portfolios.

Take a look at inflation-protected securities, commonly known as TIPS. 

In inflationary environments, these outperform the government bond market.

We think it’s happening now and our intermarket analysis is telling us to buy TIPS.

If you take a look at the chart of the TIP ETF against the 10-year bond ETF, you’ll see consolidation above long-term support. One thing we know about these kinds of consolidations is that they tend to follow through in the direction of the primary trend. 


The trend for TIPS relative to treasuries is higher. 

Historical perspectives, like those found in Jack Schwager’s classic Market Wizards, can offer essential guidance on how to navigate through inflationary periods. I think this is where things are headed.

One effective way to thrive through inflationary periods is by diversifying your portfolio with assets like TIPS (Treasury Inflation-...

All Star Charts Premium

Risk vs. Reward for the Bond Trade

September 27, 2024

Despite the gloomy headlines the market received this summer, major stock market sectors are showing resilience across the board, with new signs of life emerging. 

A shift seems to be on the horizon.

At the moment, we are long bonds. We like bonds, and the charts tell us we are right to like bonds here, but what does the future hold?

If inflation starts ticking up again, the market usually pivots toward the reflation trade—favoring sectors like energy, small caps, and financials as rates rise. (I am not saying that this is happening. I am saying that we need to keep an eye on this.) 

Energy has not participated in the bull run this year. When we compare XLE to some of the best stocks this cycle, like XLK, the performance gap is wild.

The chart below shows XLK up roughly 40% over the trailing 12 months while XLE is negative.

Meanwhile, the rally in bonds appears to be slowing down. 


Bonds have a traditionally inverse relationship with energy stocks, so we think this further sets the stage for a catch-up trade from oil and gas.


All Star Charts Premium

Sink or Swim With Junk Bonds

September 13, 2024

When Junk Bond traders jump ship, I’m out of stocks.

With all the talk about credit spreads “blowing out” since early August, this is an important discussion to have right now.

We always trust the bond market. Throughout history, bonds have done an impeccable job at alerting investors about problems in risk asset markets. 

When there is stress in other markets, it shows up in fixed income first.

However, as technical analysts, we are mindful of the math that is behind some of the relationships we study and give weight to.

What if I told you that industrials have been massive underperformers during this bull market? 

The absolute price chart looks incredible. How could that be?

We call it the denominator fallacy. 

Benchmarked against the S&P 500 or Nasdaq 100, of course they are underperforming. 

We think there is a similar situation playing out for our bond market ratios right now.


The absolute chart up top looks great. The relative trend, down below, not so much.


All Star Charts Premium

Investors Are Rotating Into Safe Haven Assets

September 5, 2024

The stage is set for a strategic shift.

Since this summer, safe haven assets have been catching a bid and outperforming across the board.

Investors are paying attention to growth indicators like ISM and PMI data. Other investors are looking at CPI and paying extra-close attention to the Fed… 

Here's the US Core Inflation Rate along with the 7-10 Year Treasury Bond ETF $IEF. Since inflation peaked and rolled over in 2022, bonds have been building a massive base:


However, similar to economic growth data, inflation is a lagging indicator.

The same is true for employment.

Here's the unemployment rate along with the 2s/10s spread.

We are starting to see some pressure in the labor market, which goes hand-in-hand with rising treasury spreads.


July job openings dropped to 7.67 million, the lowest since January 2021. This marks a significant decline from the March 2022 peak of 12.2 million. 

There were only 1.1 jobs for every unemployed person, down from 2.0 last year. Major declines were seen in healthcare, government, and transportation. Voluntary quits decreased to 3.3 million...

All Star Charts Premium

The Future of Bonds: Intermarket Insights

August 30, 2024

The current market environment is creating a unique opportunity for bonds. 

With the charts signaling strong potential for gains into year-end, now is the moment to take action and add some bond exposure to your portfolio. 

With some big reversals underway, the timing couldn’t be better to capitalize on these new trends. 

Not only are we seeing a growing list of base breakouts for treasuries, corporate bonds, and bond ETFs, but the intermarket landscape is turning increasingly favorable for fixed income in general.

Let’s jump in and discuss why we’re buying bonds here and how we want to express this thesis.

The fed is giving us a clear indication these days that we’ve seen the peak in interest rates for now. The odds of a rate cut at the September meeting in a few weeks are at 67.5%. 


Click the table to enlarge the view.

This data is from the CME FedWatch Tool as of August 29, 2024.

In this kind of...

All Star Charts Premium

Who's Buying Bonds With Me?

August 22, 2024

From the desk of Steve Strazza @sstrazza

For the first time in my career, I'm buying bonds.

It has less to do with positioning defensively and more to do with making a call on lower interest rates.

But what it really comes down to, more than anything, is the chart pattern.

Bond funds are completing bearish-to-bullish reversals for the first time in years. 

This is the same exact pattern we've gone back to time and again this cycle... and every cycle, really.

Rounding bottoms are some of the most reliable patterns we have as technicians.

And we're seeing them across the board in bond funds right now.

Let's dive in and talk about some of them.

Here's the US Aggregate Bond ETF $AGG: 

This fund holds treasury securities, corporate bonds, mortgage-backed securities, and municipal bonds. It is exactly what it sounds like. A diversified bond fund. It also offers investors a 3.4% yield.

The US Aggregate Bond ETF is pressing against the upper bounds of a multi-year accumulation pattern. With...